Venere vs Julia FCS09 (rematch)
This is the second match between the aggressive Egyptian beauty Venere and Julia “the playmate”. The two women like each other except when they fight. They both want to prove to be the best and the matches are always intense.
Venere and Julia are well balanced. Venere is fast and she is a great scissor queen but Julia has strong arms and shoulders and she is an excellent strategist.
It is amazing to see how they both don’t want to give up. Julia tries to pin Venere down but the brunette has a lot of energy and she knows how to use her legs. You can also tell how these women improved their wrestling techniques and how the match becomes increasingly intense.
No doubts these two will go at it again. They are friends and rivals and this makes the match even more intriguing. A rivalry that will continue…
Alyssa vs Tiger FCS60