FCS026 Tiger vs Camilla


This is FCS’s first catfight, but it is not the first for these two women. Tiger loves pulling hair and is fearless, while Camilla, a powerful woman with a boxing background, is certainly not intimidated by the redhead. There is quite a bit of posing before the match, as both fighters enjoy showing off their muscles. Then it’s time for arm wrestling!

The fight is brief, which makes this video cheaper. However, the action is intense, and the two rivals do not hesitate to pull each other’s hair. It is exciting to see how both girls struggle hard before ending up on the ground, where one woman proves to be more skilled.

Surely, the next catfights will be longer, but this first bout was a success and is worth watching! One woman will be the clear winner, smiling as she poses and flexes over her defeated foe.


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